Generative AI: An unexpected comfort during cancer
Facing stage IV cancer, I was desperate to get my stories out for the world before I was no longer able to do so. While I have been able to convey many of my recollections in English, my ability to illustrate the memories was woefully inadequate until I began creating with generative AI.
Phase 1 Treatment: By the numbers
I have wrapped up Phase 1 of treatment (chemo-immunotherapy). I feel great. So what did I do with my new found energy? I crunched the numbers, of course.
Making lemonade
I have three wigs all of which have a distinctly different vibe. I might need to keep a log as to which wig I wear in front of which customers to avoid confusing them. As for my colleagues, they seem to be rolling with my endless costume changes. They understand that with the lemons I’ve been given, I’m just making a little lemonade.
My privilege is showing
I look at the overall survival rates of less than five years, and I think “Oh, I can beat that.” Then I pause to contemplate the inequities that makes that thought likely to be true.
Chemo: Round One
Mantle cell lymphoma is extremely rare, has a short remission cycle, and a median overall survival rate of four to five years. I’m undergoing an aggressive therapy known as the Nordic Regimen. After the first treatment, I felt like a failure.
Early Warning System
I can’t imagine finding the origin story for the mantle cell lymphoma that moves freely through my blood and bone marrow. That doesn’t stop my insatiable curiosity from trying.